Music Makers of Western Springs | Music Lessons in Western Springs, IL

Register Today for our Spring 2025 Musical Theatre Classes: JUNGLE BOOK KIDS & SHREK JR!


MMWS Policies & Procedures

Please note: With COVID-19 rules and guidelines ever-changing, our policies may need to change as well as restrictions fluctuate. We ask for and appreciate your patience as we try to have the healthiest and safest learning environment possible.



All payments are processed by pre-authorized credit/debit cards or a checking account of the client's choosing. They are processed on the first of each month. Tuition is never pro-rated for missed lessons. You are billed for the number of lessons that you will receive during each month, based on the number of each day of the week per month. Tuition does not include any retail teaching materials such as books, instruments, metronomes, tuners, strings, picks, cases, etc. For current pricing, please contact Music Makers of Western Springs (MMWS) directly.


I do hereby authorize Music Makers of Western Springs, Inc., hereinafter named the MMWS, to initiate recurring (debit or credit) entries to my credit/debit card or checking account on file that I provided either online, in person or over the phone to MMWS. I acknowledge that the origination of ACH transactions to my account must comply with the provisions of U.S. law. Furthermore, if any such debit(s) should be returned NSF (non-sufficient funds), I authorize the COMPANY to collect such debit(s) by electronic debit and subsequently collect a returned debit NSF fee of $25.00 per item by electronic debit from my account on file, and authorize all of the above as evidenced by my typed name (serving as signature) below. Payments are recurring and deducted on the first of each month.


To discontinue lessons, I understand that I must give written notice to the office (not the teacher) no later than the 15th of any month. If received by the 15th of the month, there will be no charge for lessons the following month. Accounts will be billed for the number of lessons each month as well as supplies/books purchased from MMWS.


If you need to cancel a lesson for any reason, we ask that you contact our office via text (708-246-8222) or email ( Students who cancel their lesson before noon (12:00pm) on their lesson day will received a LessonMate homework lesson from their teacher, within 48 hours of their missed lesson. Students who cancel after noon (12:00pm) on the day of their lesson will not receive a LessonMate lesson. LessonMate lessons will be sent via email, and you will be notified that "you have a LessonMate from Music Makers."


If your teacher is unable to teach for any reason, they have the option to:

1. Teach an online Zoom lesson, if they cannot teach in-person.

2. Have a Music Makers teacher substitute teach for them.

3. Schedule an in-person or online Zoom make-up lesson at a later date.

What is Lessonmate?

LessonMate is an online platform that allows our teachers to communicate with their students. Communication may include video footage from the teacher on what to work on for the next week.

You can read more detailed information about missing lessons and LessonMate on that page, HERE.


Every student at MMWS is on a month-to-month schedule. To discontinue lessons and stop charges from being applied to your account, you must provide written notice by the 15th of your last month via email to We do not prorate tuition for the last month's lessons. Students will be responsible for their last month's tuition whether or not they attend lessons. If you are renting an instrument from us, you are welcome to continue renting the instrument after withdrawing from lessons. If your intent is to return the instrument, you must return it at your last lesson or by the 28th of the month to avoid being charged the following month.


Music Makers will be closed for the following dates during the 2023 year. There will be NO lessons on these days and the office will be closed. Families will NOT be charged for lessons on these days, so there is no need to coordinate make-up lessons.

New Year's Day-Saturday, January 2, 2023

Easter Day-Sunday, April 9, 2023

Memorial Day-Monday, May 29, 2023

Independence Day-Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Labor Day-Monday, September 4, 2023

Thanksgiving Day-Thursday, November 23, 2023

Winter Holidays-Monday, December 25, Monday, January 1, 2024


Missed lessons during summer work the same way they do during the year. If you have a vacation planned, please inform the office of the dates you will be missing, and include if you would like to take your lesson via Zoom (remotely) while you are gone, or receive a LessonMate lesson. Families also have the option to "lease" their slot to another student (friend, family member) over the summer so that the slot remains "held" for them upon their return. This must be confirmed with our office ahead of time.


Parents, legal guardians of minors, students and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on MMWS property resulting from normal lesson activity or any other activity conducted by the students or their sibling before, during or after lesson time, including hearing loss or hearing damage. MMWS is not responsible for any damage done to vehicles or items stolen from vehicles.


MMWS assumes permission for use for images/audio of their students captured during regular and/or special MMWS/Music Makers Theatre (MMT) activities through photo and video mediums to be used solely for the purposes of MMWS/MMT promotional material, publications, social media and websites, and families waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereto. If you do not accept this policy, please email our office at


MMWS offers monthly guitar and keyboard rentals. All rentals are payable through auto-debit via ACH payment (check, debit or credit card) on the 1st of each month at a cost of $25.00 monthly. For our extended policies on instrument rentals, visit our website at


For information on our Health & Safety Guidelines, especially as it relates to COVID-19, please visit HERE.