Music Makers of Western Springs | Music Lessons in Western Springs, IL

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Missed Lesson Policy and Lesson Mate


Missed Lessons Policies for Students

What do I do if I need to miss a lesson?

If you need to miss or cancel a lesson for any reason, please contact the office. You can call/text us at 708-246-8222 or email us at

If you cancel your lesson before noon (12:00pm) on your lesson day:

You will receive a LessonMate lesson from your teacher, within 48 hours after the regular lesson time. If you do not see an email from, please check your junk/spam mail. You do not need to request a LessonMate lesson--your teacher will automatically prepare one for your student.

If you cancel your lesson after noon (12:00pm) or don’t show on your lesson day:

You will forfeit your LessonMate lesson for the week.

Missed Lessons Policies for Teachers

What if my teacher cancels my lesson and I take lessons in-person?

If your teacher needs to cancel your lesson for any reason, our office will contact you and the teacher has the option to: (A) Teach an online Zoom lesson if they cannot teach in-person (due to illness, car troubles, etc.). (B)Have a substitute teacher teach in-person for them. (C)Schedule an in-person or online Zoom make-up lesson at a later date.

What if my teacher cancels my lesson and I take online Zoom lessons?

If your teacher needs to cancel your lesson for any reason, our office will contact you and the teacher has the option to: (A) Have a substitute teacher teach an online Zoom lesson. (B) Schedule an online Zoom make-up lesson at a later date.

What is LessonMate?

LessonMate is a wonderful online platform for student lesson planning--and many of our teachers are already using it! Your teacher will be able to send personalized messages, create and share videos, audio, PDF documents, links to other resources, etc., with their students during, before or after each of their lessons. These “lessons” will show up as an email from Music Makers is the host and has access to all communication sent to students. You do not need to “sign-up” or download an app to receive LessonMate “lessons.” LessonMate is a very efficient and secure way to provide information to your student because NO EMAIL INFORMATION IS SHARED BETWEEN TEACHER AND STUDENT. Students/parents receive an email notification each time new information is posted-- so please be diligent about checking for these emails!

What are the Benefits of LessonMate?

Consistent engagement in any activity is essential to long-term enjoyment and success. We make progress when we are consistently active. A missed lesson interrupts that process, and requires more backtracking and energy just to return to the place we were before the interruption. LessonMate provides the link for keeping the learning chain intact! Your teacher will create a personalized “lesson” that reviews the previous week and looks ahead to the coming week. Video and audio recording, lesson plans, and different activities will keep your student understanding where they are at, what they are supposed to work on, new activities in which they can engage, and it keeps them connected to their teacher on their regularly scheduled lesson day!

How Do I Receive a LessonMate Lesson?

Students who cancel their lessons by noon (12:00pm) on the day of their lesson will automatically receive a LessonMate “lesson.” Students who cancel their lesson after noon (12:00pm) on the same day of their lesson, or don’t show for their lesson, will not receive a LessonMate “lesson” for that week. Teachers will send your LessonMate “lesson” within 48 hours after your regular lesson time. Please be diligent about checking your email, which will contain your LessonMate lesson!